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Renewing Your Spirit: A Blessed New Year Through God’s Word

By: Pastor Jeffrey W. Lewis


The new year is almost here.  It is a good time to take a personal inventory of our lives.  We need to be willing to make the necessary changes if we expect to have a better year than last year.

History will always repeat itself unless there is a change that takes place.  If you had a bad attitude last year and don’t make up your mind to change then you’ll probably have a worse attitude this upcoming year.  Don’t allow history to determine our destiny:  We have the Holy Spirit to help change our failures into successes, and our mistakes into victories.  Life as a believer isn’t about where you’ve been but it’s about where you are going.

To many of God’s children went through last year with worry and fear.  Worry is interest paid on trouble that usually never happens.  Some need to die to their past.  God can turn past failures into future victories if we allow him to.

Philippian 3:13 “This one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth to those things which are before.”  This is a decision that we all need to make in order to go forward with a better year.  A good way to start a new year is to make a quality decision to read the bible each day.  Dusty bibles lead to dirty lives. 

Jesus said in John 15:3 “Now you are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you.”  When he told us to pray that God would give us each day our daily bread he was talking about his word.  We must keep our spirit fed and our minds renewed to the word of God.  That’s a guarantee that we’ll have a blessed upcoming year.


Happy Blessed New Year!

                                                         Pastor Jeff